duminică, 9 martie 2008


Dragi boieri şi coconi,

Pentru a vă spulbera orice speranţă în privinţa-mi, e vremea să aflaţi nişte adevăruri, acum în aceste zile de Festival de Tango (mulţumesc încă o dată, Dane). Am selectat din „How you know you’ve become a tango junkie” cele extrem de reale, pe care le-am experimentat personellement.

Nu, nu mă tratez.

You're feeling angst in your life, and you know exactly what's going to make it go away.

Tango has become your philosophy.

You practice in front and in the elevator reguardless if you are alone or if one of the head officers of the company are standing next to you.

You swear you will quit this crazy dance, and are back at the next milonga.

When you realize the milonga is where you see all your friends (and you try to attract your lover to it aswell.. if you actually haven’t picked him/her from the tango environment).

Walking into new buildings and noticing potential dance space to Tango.

Your family actually GIVES you clothes in which to dance (in which they'd be embarrassed to see you on the street.)

You've remodeled your house mainly to maximize dance space.

When you wake up in the middle of the night and hear tango music - only to
realise it's inside your head.

If there is not milonga on a Friday night - you arrange one!

You wear your heels to work. They are handsewn and so comfortable. Your feet love them. Why wear any other shoes? And you keep an extra pair in your bag.

You cross country lines to tango!

You practice your balance - and sometimes boleos -
when waiting to cross the street.

You say, "We can meet .... Thursday or maybe Monday -
oh, no I am practicing with Thomas.... how about Monday next week?"

Your first question when buying clothes is "but can I dance in it?" -
used to be "but can I wear it to work?"

You copied all your tango music to your office computer and that's all you listen to 9 - 5

You've danced with one of the biggies and survived.

You realize you are being swept away.

Your descriptions of tango have shifted from "unbounded enthusiasm" to "you wouldn't understand...

Your friends are secrectly plotting to kidnap you for a week of serious deprogramming.

You've stopped saying sorry when you screw up - you just tango out of the trouble you got into.

You've had the big tango-fight with your partner.

You listen to tango music when you're not at a practica or milonga.

You plan the rest of your social life so it doesn't conflict with tango nights.

Your wardrobe is predominantly black.

Ocho is more than just a number.

Your fantasy travel destination is Buenos Aires.

You now view the world in terms of people who tango and those unfortunate souls who don't.

You have to work hard to maintain non-tango friendships (if you have any left).

You have developed the ability to turn any conversation to tango within 2 minutes.

You no longer have parties at your house; you host milongas.

Your shopping cart often substitutes as your dance partner.
Tango never fails to energize, no matter how tired you are.

Before traveling, you check out the net for tango events in that area.

You are willing to spend twice as much time driving to a milonga as you actually dance.

You've danced long enough to realize that you want to keep it simple.

Your ear has been trained to recognize the tango possibilities in all forms of music.

You remember the place and partner with whom you danced your first real tango. Subtle moves have begun to reveal themselves (without lessons).

Tango has diminished, if not ruined, the appeal of every other dance you ever did.

You have become nocturnal.

You wear vintage clothes every week that most people wear once a year to the office Christmas party.

Friends insert the word Tango before your given name when introducing you to others.

Your interest in shoes can easily be mistaken for a fetish.

You realize how rare it is to find such passion in life.

You have discovered the pleasures of barefoot tango.

You have to dance. You have to dance.

One of the most exciting things in the world is to dance tango with a complete stranger.

Your favorite color is tango black.

You will be dancing tango for the rest of your life.

You no longer fear the lost-and-found that may happen during a dance.

You can't resist dancing a few tango steps whenever you cross a wooden floor.

You've gone home after a dance with someone else's glitter on your face.

You have reached a level where your tango reflects your spirit.

You have considered crossing that line to become a tango gypsy.

You have trembled in someone's arms.

Tango Hugs...mmmmmmm!

You're thinking of calling your first born son Osvaldo (from O. Pugliese, dear).

You constantly have bruises on your legs and feet.

You dream about dancing (and not only......) with Pablo Veron.

You feel exhausted but come alive when you hear a tango and hit the dancefloor.

You feel sensual and sexy.

4 comentarii:

Florentina spunea...

Ma, da' tu ai o groaza de motive de bucurie, si intalnirea cu Joaquin, si serile de tango... Ma bucur ca te bucuri :)

Aky spunea...

Multumesc de vizita F. :)

Ferdinand spunea...

Impresii post-festival

1) Sosirea la "La scena"

Putin nedormit, destul de obosit, olecuta stresat de galagia si
agitatia Bucurestiului. Asa am ajuns eu la "La Scena".
A fost destul de greu sa gasesc locul cu pricina. M-am plimbat vreo 10
minute prin piata Coposu. Deja nu mai aveam rabdare; eram emotionat.
Am sunat-o pe Doina si m-a lamurit.
Am ajuns la locul cu pricina si chiar daca nu ajunsesm inca sus, deja
simteam pe fata un fel de zambet tamp:).
Cand am urcat sus am ramas, pret de vreo 15 minute, intr-un loc cu
niste scaune din antecamera incaperii in care se tineau seminariile.
Prin usa intredeschisa se puteau vedea cateva perechi dansand. Muzica
se auzea bine. Chiar cand am ajuns a inceput "Niebla del Riachuelo",
apoi s-a continuat cu "El amanecer".

Nu-mi venea sa cred! Practic, era vorba de prima locatie in care se
asculta si savura muzica ce-mi place mie asa de mult de vreun an si
jumatate in urma.
Daca cineva mi-ar fi zis dupa acele 15 minute ca trebuie sa ma intorc
de urgenta la Cluj, n-as fi regretat. Pentru mine s-ar fi meritat sa
bat drumul Cluj-Bucuresti chiar si numai pentru acele 15 minute.
Cam asta simteam atunci. Si eram al naibii de incantant de gandul ca
urma sa mai petrec inca 2 zile in acea atmosfera.

Totodata, la "La Scena", Bucurestiul mi s-a parut mai uman.

Aky spunea...

Multam Ferdinand :). Chiar imi pare rau ca n-am apucat sa povestim mai mult. Si ca n-ai dansat mai mult. A fost fain tare, multumim La Morocha (Morochei?..) pentru asta.

Aviz amatorilor, pe 5-6 aprilie va mai fi un festival, aveti ce vedea si acolo, chiar si numai ca spectatori.